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Expert Botox Services In North Vancouver

Revitalize Your Look with Precision

Unlock the secret to a youthful appearance with Botox treatments at Parsa Wellness Clinic, located in the serene setting of North Vancouver. Administered by Dr. Parisa Soltani, our Botox injections seamlessly blend science and expertise to diminish wrinkles and fine lines, offering a refreshed, vibrant look without surgery.


At Parsa Wellness Clinic, Botox offers more than just cosmetic enhancement. Our treatments address a range of health concerns, including hyperhidrosis, chronic migraines, and muscle spasms, providing both aesthetic improvement and functional relief. Experience these dual benefits within our state-of-the-art facility


Treatment Price


per unit

Total Units determined during consultation.

Botox Treatment Overview

Quick, Effective, Minimal Discomfort

Quick Procedure

Procedure completed in just 10-20 minutes, easily fits into your schedule



Precise injection technique ensures targeted results and patient satisfaction.


Minimal Downtime

Minimal downtime, resume most activities immediately after treatment.


Comfort Level

Treatments involve minimal discomfort, with topical numbing cream used for ease.


Duration of Results

Enjoy the youthful effects for 3-4 months, enhancing your natural beauty.


Visible Results

Noticeable reduction in wrinkles and fine lines within days of treatment.

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Botox Treatments

From Aesthetics To Wellness

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Wrinkle Reduction

Smooth facial wrinkles, including frown lines, bunny lines, and lip lines, along with forehead lines, crow's feet, and frown lines, with our Botox injections.

Muscle Spasms Relief

Find relief from annoying muscle twitches like neck spasms and eyelid twitches with Botox injections for lasting comfort.


Jaw Tension and TMJ Disorders

Relieve jaw tension, TMJ discomfort, and prevent teeth grinding with Botox injections for improved jaw function.

Smile Correction and Eyebrow Lift

Achieve subtle eyebrow lifts and enhance smile aesthetics like laugh lines or gummy smile by relaxing specific facial muscles with Botox


Chronic Migraine Relief

Ease chronic migraines with Botox injections, offering much-needed comfort and freedom from frequent headaches.

Excessive Sweating Reduction

Combat hyperhidrosis with Botox, effectively reducing excessive sweating in underarms, palms, and soles of the feet for lasting relief.


Why Choose Botox at Parsa Wellness Clinic?

Quick and Convenient

Botox treatments are fast, typically taking only 10-20 minutes, with no downtime, making them a convenient option even on your busiest days

Minimal Discomfort

With the use of topical numbing creams and fine needles, Botox injections cause minimal discomfort, making the process smooth and manageable.

Natural-Looking Results

When administered by skilled professionals, Botox provides subtle yet impactful results, enhancing your natural beauty without altering your expressions.

Long-Lasting Effects

The effects of Botox can last between 3 to 6 months, depending on the area treated, providing a long-term solution for those looking to maintain a youthful and refreshed appearance.

Meet Your Botox Expert

Crafting Your Aesthetic & Wellness Journey

Your Personalized Botox Journey

discover the experience at parsa wellness clinic



Begin your Botox experience with a comprehensive consultation at Parsa Wellness Clinic. Utilizing the advanced VISIA Facial Skin Analysis, we delve deep into your skin's unique characteristics. This state-of-the-art technology allows us to craft a treatment plan tailored specifically to you, ensuring optimal results that align with your aesthetic goals. Our detailed analysis paves the way for a truly personalized journey.



The treatment phase is where your transformation takes shape. Expertly administered by our Medical Director, Dr. Parisa Soltani, your Botox injections are precisely targeted to address your specific concerns. Our approach ensures a comfortable experience with minimal discomfort, using the finest techniques to enhance your natural beauty subtly yet effectively.


After Care

Following your Botox treatment, we provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth and successful healing process. Our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, offering guidance on how to maintain your stunning results. With minimal downtime required, you can quickly return to your daily routine, equipped with advice for prolonged outcomes.


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