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Expert PRP Therapy In North Vancouver

Harness Your Body’s Healing Power

Experience the rejuvenating power of PRP Therapy at Parsa Wellness Clinic in North Vancouver. Specializing in skin revitalization, anti-aging, and hair regrowth, our treatments harness your body's healing factors, diminishing wrinkles, combatting hair loss, and fading hyperpigmentation


Beyond cosmetic improvement, PRP Therapy offers relief for joint pain and expedites healing. Our tailored approach supports your body's natural regeneration, promoting both appearance and physical well-being. Discover a holistic transformation enhancing both function and health at Parsa Wellness Clinic

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Treatment Price


per Session

PRP for Pain starts at $1,200 / 2 tubes

Revitalize Naturally with PRP Therapy

Achieve Beauty and Healing Together With PRP

Treatment Duration

Sessions last between 45 minutes to 1 hour, seamlessly fitting into a busy lifestyle



A minimally invasive injection technique delivers concentrated growth factors.


Visible Results

Notice improvements within several weeks as the body's natural healing processes are activated


Recovery Period

Experience minimal downtime, allowing for a quick return to daily activities


Versatile Treatment

Effective for skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, hyper pigmentation, and joint healing.



Enjoy transformative results without surgery, as PRP's non-invasive injections ensure a safe, comfortable treatment process


Results Longevity

Enjoy the benefits of PRP Therapy for 6 to 12 months after treatment.


Pain Level

Mild discomfort during treatment, significantly reduced with topical numbing cream

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PRP Treatment Types

From Aesthetic Enhancements to Healing Benefits


Skin Rejuvenation

PRP Therapy, an effective skin rejuvenation treatment, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, promoting a youthful complexion naturally.

Anti-Aging Solutions

Combat signs of aging effectively with PRP therapy, improving skin elasticity and firmness for a refreshed appearance.


Hair Regrowth

PRP therapy targets hair loss and thinning, stimulating hair follicles for new growth and increased density.

Joint Pain Relief

PRP therapy offers therapeutic relief for joint pain, harnessing growth factors to promote healing and reduce discomfort effectively.


Hyperpigmentation Reduction

Diminish age spots and uneven skin tone with PRP therapy, enhancing skin clarity and radiance naturally.

Scar and Acne Mark Reduction

PRP therapy reduces the appearance of scars and acne marks, promoting smoother skin texture and clarity.



Why Choose PRP Therapy at Parsa Wellness Clinic?

Natural Healing and Rejuvenation

Leverages your own blood's growth factors to naturally rejuvenate the skin and stimulate hair growth, promoting healing from within.

Minimal Downtime and Discomfort

Experience a swift recovery period allowing for an almost immediate return to daily activities, coupled with very minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Safe and Effective

PRP Therapy is a safe, clinically proven method to address various cosmetic and health concerns, with a low risk of allergic reactions due to the use of your own biological material.

Versatile Treatment Options

Suitable for a wide range of applications including skin rejuvenation, anti-aging, hair regrowth, and joint pain relief, offering a multifaceted approach to wellness and beauty.

Meet Your PRP Therapy Expert

Expert Hands Crafting Your Aesthetic & Wellness Journey

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Dr. PArisa Soltani

MD, FRCPC, Medical Director

Dr. Soltani brings her extensive medical background and a compassionate approach to PRP Therapy, offering innovative solutions for skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth. Her expertise ensures personalized, effective treatment plans that leverage the body's natural healing capabilities.

Your PRP Therapy Journey

unfold your experience at parsa wellness clinic


Personalized Consultation

Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with either Dr. Soltani, where your concerns and goals are discussed. This session includes an evaluation of your health and skin to ensure PRP Therapy is the optimal choice for you.


Customized Treatment

A small sample of your blood is collected and then processed in a centrifuge. This process separates the platelet-rich plasma, concentrating the growth factors essential for the regeneration and healing process.


Comprehensive Aftercare

The concentrated PRP is carefully injected into the targeted areas, whether for skin rejuvenation, hair regrowth, or pain relief. This stage is precisely guided by our experts to maximize the treatment's effectiveness and your comfort.


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